Mark Rendle's .NET development blog.

My 20 Years with .NET

For the 20th birthday of .NET, a look back at my time with it.

21-Minute Read

It’s .NET’s 20th birthday: 20 years since Microsoft released v1.0 of their managed runtime, a Base Class Library, a couple of application frameworks, and the C# programming language. So I thought I’d do a retrospective of my 20 years working with .NET, because I’m extraordinarily vain and I assume people want to read stuff like this.

Running a .NET 5 web app on Railway

I built a small ASP.NET Core 5 web app and deployed it to Railway in about 2 hours.

7-Minute Read

I’ve been working on a fun little project on my stream recently. It’s an app called StreamBadger that adds overlay images and plays sounds on the stream through OBS Studio. It uses the Twitch API so it needs to authenticate with Twitch, and as it’s a desktop application I wanted to build that authentication flow where you log in through the browser and the app sits and waits and then magically gets connected.

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Mark Rendle's blog about making software and stuff.